Funding and research opportunities: discover our Calls for Projects!

  • IDEX
  • Research
Published on May 21, 2024 Updated on May 21, 2024

on the May 16, 2024

Every year, the École Universitaire de Recherche d'Économie et de Management launches a number of calls for projects to promote research, contribute to our training programs, support student projects...

Whether you're a post-doctoral researcher looking to deepen your research or a student looking to fund your thesis, these calls for projects could be your next opportunity.

Call for proposals - Postdoctoral Fellowship

The EUR ELMI is offering an 18-month postdoctoral fellowship on a theme in line with its research areas, or with the Junior Professorship in "Economics of AI and Innovation".

In addition to funding of €3,490 gross per month (i.e. around €2,600 net) over an 18-month period, the successful candidate will benefit from a €6,000 fund to finance equipment and research missions. This post-doctoral fellowship also comes with the opportunity to gain teaching experience by teaching 20 hours of courses in their field of expertise, in EUR ELMI's Master's or doctoral programs.

To be eligible, you must
- have defended his/her thesis before December 31, 2024 at the latest, in a discipline related to the EUR's thematic axes.
- Have the support of a permanent researcher (mentor) from one of the EUR ELMI research teams.
- Not have completed his/her thesis under the supervision of the proposed mentor, nor have been a doctoral or post-doctoral student in one of the research laboratories associated with the EUR ELMI.

The application must include the following elements (in electronic format):
1. A curriculum vitae, including a list of works published, submitted or in progress.
2. A cover letter not exceeding one page.
3. A letter of recommendation from a mentor.
4. Letter(s) of recommendation from the candidate's thesis supervisor and/or other scientific personalities (3 maximum).
5. A research project, not exceeding 10 pages (including bibliography).
6. A copy of the three main written works (published articles, thesis chapters, working papers, etc.).

To apply, send your application in a single PDF file named: nomducandidat-prenomducandidat-postdocELMI-2024, to :
Olivier BRUNO, EUR ELMI Director, at the following address:

Application deadline: June 17, 2024
Start of auditions: July 01, 2024

Call for projects - Doctoral funding

EUR ELMI is also offering funding for a PhD thesis, over a 3-year period, on a subject related to its research areas, or with the Junior Professorship in "Economics of AI and Innovation".

Funding amounts to €2,596 gross per month (approximately €2,107 net per month). In addition to this financial support, the selected PhD student will commit to 40 hours of teaching per year in EUR courses. These teaching hours will be remunerated in addition to the thesis funding at a rate of €54 gross per hour, and may be in English or French.

To be eligible, you must
- Be at the end of a Master 2 or MSc in economics, management, business administration or sociology, or have already started a first year of thesis work in these disciplines.
- Identify a EUR ELMI thesis supervisor and obtain his/her agreement.

Applications must include (in digital format):
1. The candidate's CV.
2. Candidate's letter of motivation.
3. A letter from the thesis supervisor, a member of one of the laboratories associated with the EUR ELMI (GREDEG; SKEMA), explaining the link between the proposed subject and one of the EUR's research areas.
4. Candidate's Master 1 and Master 2 grades (or equivalent).
5. A thesis proposal (10 pages maximum).
6. A copy of the Master's dissertation (1 or 2) or MSc thesis.

To apply, send your application in a single PDF file named: nomducandidat-prenomducandidat-doctoratELMI-2024, to the following address:

Application deadline: June 17, 2024
Start of auditions and notification of results: July 01, 2024

These calls for proposals are an excellent opportunity for postdoctoral researchers and PhD students to conduct cutting-edge research in a stimulating environment.

Click here for more information.